Core Concepts

Synthetic Tokens (iTokens)

iTokens represent underlying assets, e.g., "iUSDC" mirrors USDC stablecoin.

Interest Rate Mechanics

Market dynamics determine interest rates, with iTokens creating liquidity pools influencing these rates.


  • Market-Driven Lending: The lending model responds dynamically to market forces.

  • Accessibility: IFICHI is designed for easy integration, open to individuals and developers.

  • Security and Decentralization: Built on BSC contracts, IFICHI emphasizes security, transparency, and decentralization.

  • Community and Governance: Community governance plays a significant role in protocol direction.

Collateralization and Security

  • Over-Collateralization Policy: Requires borrowers to deposit more than the loan amount in iTokens.

  • Code and Licensing: Codebase is public on GitHub; smart contracts are initially under BUSL-1.1 license, transitioning to LGPL v3.

  • Governance System: Based on Compound's GovernorBravo contracts, with a focus on community-led decisions.

Progressive Decentralization and Security

  • Decentralization Strategy: Balances product development and smart contract security with gradual decentralization.

  • Security Measures: Includes an upgradeable BalanceSheet contract, debt caps, operational pauses, and a bug bounty program.

Liquidation Mechanics

  • Liquidation Process: Similar to Compound's system, with incentives for liquidators.

  • Pricing Data: Relies on Chainlink Price Feeds for accurate pricing.

Last updated