Ethical Research Guidelines

Participants in the IFICHI bug bounty program are expected to:

  • Compliance: Adhere to the program's terms and any other relevant agreements, prioritizing the program's terms in case of inconsistencies.

  • Prompt Reporting: Report vulnerabilities immediately after discovery.

  • Non-Disruption: Ensure that the research doesn’t compromise others' privacy, disrupt IFICHI systems, destroy data, or degrade the user experience.

  • Confidentiality: Discuss vulnerabilities exclusively through and maintain confidentiality until resolved.

  • Scope Respect: Conduct testing only within the defined scope, respecting out-of-scope systems and activities.

  • Account Interaction: Interact only with accounts owned or explicitly permitted by the owner.

  • Legal Conduct: Refrain from blackmail, extortion, or any illegal activities.

Last updated